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The Right Treatment Gets Results.



Resolve Your Pain With 

Techniques That Work.

Liz possesses an understanding of the body and the person that is astounding and unique.


Liz is knowledgeable, professional and supportive. I feel lucky that I got the chance to study with her.


Liz Cross is the best practitioner I've encountered after over 35 years of bodywork.


Hi... I'm Liz


I specialize in resolving pain and injury using orthopedic acupuncture, advanced massage therapy, and patient education.


You can expect rapid results in acute and chronic conditions.


By combining Western medicine anatomy and kinesiology with Chinese medicine physiology, anatomy, and treatment methods, we'll discover the true cause of your concern.


The results are often quick, significant, and remarkable.


Three approaches to treatment...

  • Acupuncture
  • Moxibustion
  • Gua Sha
  • Cupping
  • Orthopedic ah-shi needling 
  • Liniments
  • 5 channel theory treatments
  • Chinese bodywork
  • Neuromuscular therapy (NMT)
  • Deep tissue
  • Myofascial release
  • Active release technique (ART)
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
  • Craniosacral therapy (CST)
  • Rehabilitation treatment plan
  • Targeted stretching and/or self-massage
  • Lifestyle modifications
  • Dietary and supplement recommendations
  • Empirical psychology interventions
  • Herbal prescriptions

Pain is a thief.


It has a way of disrupting everything, robbing you of your quality of life.


We will work together to identify the source of the issue and resolve it quickly.




I expect rapid & tangible change and want to see significant results after the first treatment.


By the end of the fourth treatment, I will either resolve your issue, refer you to the best specialist, or accurately predict the course of sessions.

What People are Saying...

I was diagnosed with a compressed nerve in my cervical spine...


...after dealing with debilitating pain in my neck and shoulder as well as pins and needles and loss of feeling in my arm and hand for months. Six weeks of doctor prescribed physical therapy did nothing for my situation.

After the first treatment, the numbness in my hand went away. A month's worth of weekly acupuncture and body work treatments, and I feel good again for the first time in six months since this ordeal began...

If you're in pain and other treatments haven't helped, I highly recommend giving Chinese medicine and acupuncture a try...Liz is warm, caring, and committed to helping you. She has an extremely calming energy and a genuine compassion...Thank you Liz Cross.

Liz is the most skilled practitioner I know of. I have worked in the fields of Massage Therapy and Physical Therapy for 30 years...

...and have observed, that because of Liz's deep knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology, muscle systems, acupuncture, and herbalism, along with a strong intuitive sense and caring presence, she is able to bring excellence to each treatment.

Liz has treated me after a broken hip and once again for severe groin pain. Each time my pain relief was immediate and lasting due to her hands on approach, recommendations for self care, and the fact that I felt deeply cared for; a true healing experience. We are lucky to have such a skilled and caring practitioner here in Asheville.



Two years ago, my first visit two years ago to Liz was after five PT visits that failed to alleviate pain and tingling in my upper body.

Liz said I had two problems but the physical therapist was treating only one. After a few acupuncture sessions with Liz, the pain and tingling were largely gone.  During those sessions we talked about dietary and lifestyle changes that could help keep me free of symptoms while leading an active life. 

Since that time I have occasional sessions with Liz. Each time we discuss changes in my lifestyle that may have brought on the pain. In addition to acupuncture and massage, we discuss exercises and behavior that will enhance my wellbeing. I appreciate that she sees me as a whole person, not just a body part causing pain.

– G, Asheville

My name is Meg and I am a lifelong athlete and CrossFit coach.

I have been a patient of Liz’s for 3 years. I see Liz 1-2 times a month for maintenance and injury prevention. Due to my active and competitive spirit, I have had to see Liz, at certain times, more frequently to address specific injuries or to manage stress and anxiety. Her treatments have resolved injuries, where western practices could not.

She has been an integral part of my stress reduction, over the past 2 very trying years of my life. It is difficult to express all of the ways Liz has contributed to my overall well-being. What I can say is she has specific knowledge of body, mind, and spirit, but it is her intuitive nature and overall presence that sets her apart from professionals in her field. 

I can verbally describe an issue or injury to her and she can quickly assess and then physically locate and pinpoint the problem area. It is truly a gift. I feel that she is one of the few people in this world who found her calling and is fulfilling her intended purpose. She was made to do this work and to be of service to people.

Liz is a vital part of keeping me active, running, biking, and lifting. She helps with my emotional and mental well-being. I think she has solved long-term injuries, from 20+ years ago. I am grateful that I have Liz! I recommend her to anyone who mentions a physical, mental, or emotional issue. I have seen many acupuncturists in town and Liz is in a different category. The benefits of the work Liz offers are that they are effective and efficient. She’s hands down, the BEST!


As a former international track and field athlete, I was introduced to some of the best practitioners in the world.


In my experience as Liz’s patient for four years, I continue to be amazed by her deep knowledge and intuitive ability to immediately identify and treat the root causes of pain and dysfunction. Liz has helped me manage chronic muscle tightness and orthopedic issues in my feet, legs, knees, and even tennis elbow with incredible precision and effectiveness using acupuncture and massage.

Liz approaches healing with a professional yet compassionate demeanor. She takes the time to genuinely listen to what you and your body are telling her. Her mastery of techniques is accompanied by positive encouragement toward achieving your health goals. Sometimes, western medicine alone may not suffice. Embrace the next step towards better health by reaching out to her today. I assure you won't be disappointed.

I threw my back out and couldn't walk. Liz fixed it 90% in one treatment. I went back for one more and it was gone. It was crazy.


Liz is a true healer, gentle, very intuitive and in touch with my body. I feel so fortunate for the opportunity to work with her.


I appreciate that Liz sees me as a whole person, not just a body part causing pain.

– G.S.

I had never given Acupuncture or massage therapy a thought. I always figured it was maybe a bunch of alternative malarkey...


...but that all changed on my first visit to Liz Cross. 3 years ago I suffered a traumatic leg injury. One of which the doctors said I’d probably walk with a cane or possibly a drop foot the rest of my life. Being a surfer that was devastating news to me which I refused to accept.

Besides all the PT I was given my wife and friends recommended I go see Liz for treatment. At this point I was desperate for my recovery since I only had a 3 month time span before pool season started for my pool business and also getting back in the water for the spring surf season.

All I can say is due to the extent of my injury it was no picnic but I told Liz I’ll do whatever she says and whatever it takes to start the recovery. All I can say to anyone reading this is that it was one of the greatest decisions I ever made in my life.

Liz Cross explained everything she was going to do and why, and was extremely caring in all her technique and methods. The results were astounding and I cannot thank her enough.

I am happy to say I was back to work with only minor issues and that first summer although I had to readjust my stance on my board a little I was back in the lineup with my fellow wave riders. So in 3 months and some hard work my friends and myself included truly believe that Liz saved my butt from a terrible situation.

But to me who once believed that all that type of treatment was a bunch of hoo-ha, all I can tell you is Liz Cross was a Godsend!! 

P.S. Just to add a side footnote (no pun intended) to add to my story. Last summer I suffered from plantar fasciitis for about 6 months. I did all the PT and exercise recommended but to no avail. When I got back to Asheville in the fall I went to Liz she knocked it out through massage and some light acupuncture in 2 sessions. What can I tell you she’s a miracle worker. 

I began seeing Liz Cross more than a year ago. She is, hands down, the best acupuncturist I've ever worked with.

When I first began seeing Liz, I had undiagnosed Lyme disease along with other issues from past physical traumas. Liz knew my body was out of balance and figured out all kinds of ways to care for me that brought immediate relief.

No matter what kind of pain I'm experiencing -- muscular, joint, nerve, etc -- Liz always knows just what to do to get me up and running again. I always leave her office smiling and feeling good, which on some days seems nothing short of miraculous.

Liz is also a wiz at herbals and has come up with several customized herbal tea blends for me to get my body back into balance and my soul happy. On top of all of this, Liz just has a compassionate personality and a soothing manner that helps to calm her clients. I can't thank her enough.


I've been seeing Liz for the past few months and she has been a very important part of my postpartum care team.

I sought out treatment for pelvic floor pain, hair loss and overall hormone health. During our first appointment (and each appointment thereafter), she gave me many accessible and immediate suggestions to start incorporating into my daily regimen. This included a custom herbal formula that worked really great with my system (and breastfeeding).

After a few sessions, I noticed my hair regrowing and my pain improving. Her touch, skilled palpation and myofascial release techniques during treatments were both nourishing and effective. I felt very supported and noticed tangible shifts after each appointment with her. Very grateful for her care!


I am a senior female who has dealt with leg pain and severe leg cramps for over four years.

I sought answers from orthopedic doctors and years of physical therapy. Their methods were expensive and time consuming with no resolve. The source of the pain could not be identified and they gave up trying to find the solution. 

Looking for an alternative approach I turned to Liz Cross to seek relief and answers. During our first consult Liz honed in on what she perceived to be the cause and proposed a plan to remedy my discomfort.

Liz was thorough and passionate in her assessment and together we chose a plan of action that suited the best results at a pace I felt comfortable with. She has numerous resources and methods and was willing to explore the best ones needed at the right time. This was my first experience with acupuncture.

Liz was compassionate about my timidness of needles. She thoroughly explained each step and eased my reservations. The results were astounding. The pain has ceased and I no longer experience leg cramps.


My name is TW, I’m an artist working with my hands every day...


...I first started receiving bodywork from Liz in the mid 2000’s, looking for relief from repetitive use issues in my arms and body. Her transformative massage completely resolved my urgent issues and I continued with maintenance sessions pre-empting further issues. At that time she also softened scar tissue from a deep wound.

I continued to see Liz as an acupuncturist for various reasons, and her treatments were always beneficial. Most recently I have sought Liz’s help with chronic pain in hips, legs and feet.

Liz's combination of massage and acupuncture has been the primary factor in my recent and continuing pain relief. After my first acupuncture session with Liz for this recent issue, I left the office feeling such immediate relief, with grateful tears that someone finally recognized precisely where it hurt and how to help. 

I continue to see her on a regular basis, and feel that it is the most important action I can take for my wellness and vitality. Liz’s body of knowledge, and knowledge of the body, is a resource for ultimate healing and I feel grateful for her experience, guidance, and expertise.

Liz has a true gift for providing care that helps people live a more balanced, healthy, embodied, pain free life!

Liz has been terrific to work with. She approaches her work with true passion. I have seen her a number of times for issues involving back pain, and her treatments always make a change for the better. Above that, Liz has been great with recommending other lifestyle changes that will really make a difference. Can’t recommend Liz enough!


I was having some intermittent and unexplained knee pain and hoped Liz would be able to fix it with needles. She took a detailed history, explained the possible causes and then did work on my legs. She then gave me things to do at home and asked that I come in again if the pain continues.  What I appreciate is that she gave me agency to manage my own health rather than immediately making a follow up appointment.  I will see her again if the pain returns, meanwhile, I'm happy to continue to take care of myself by following her advice.


Liz Cross is the best practitioner I've encountered after over 35 years of body work. She addresses exactly what is necessary to relieve pain and increase range of motion. Her loving presence and attention to detail have been deeply appreciated!


I have known Liz Cross for three years as a supervisor, a practitioner, and a trusted mentor. 


I am a recent graduate of Daoist Traditions College in Asheville, North Carolina where I earned a doctorate in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The clinical internship is intended to develop a varied skillset that includes taking intake histories, formulating treatment plans, connecting with patients in a manner that makes them feel heard, executing treatment plans, and many, many other useful skills that exemplify professionalism for a practicing acupuncturist. Liz was a great teacher and supervisor and helped with all of these.    

Liz was my first clinical supervisor. She was the one who held the highest expectations of students under her supervision. There was so much to learn in a short period of time, but Liz was able to provide feedback and support about the intricacies of treating patients. The positive reinforcement she provided then, and countless other times boosted my sense that I could and would succeed.  

I have been one of Liz’s patients, and, therefore, I can also comment on her skill as a practitioner. During the time I attended Daoist Traditions I injured my shoulder. While practicing yoga, I heard and felt something snap. It was painful. I scheduled an appointment with Liz. At the treatment session, she quickly found the point from which the pain was radiating and inserted acupuncture needles that caused the muscles linked to the injury to relax. Her treatment brought immediate relief.  

Liz is knowledgeable, professional, and supportive. She is an effective and skilled practitioner and I feel lucky that I got the chance to study with her.  



Would you like to provide a testimonial?


Your feedback is invaluable. It helps others to understand how my courses or acupuncture, bodywork, herbal therapy, and lifestyle interventions can impact their life.

Please provide as much or as little detail as you would like about yourself and your reason for seeking treatment or education. Never share more than you are comfortable with! Some people can get paralyzed by perfection, but your candid words are the best. 

All voices, all writing styles, and all experiences help to give a rounded picture of what it's like to work with me or to take my classes.

Thank you!

– Liz

Share your experience or send a message...


Your words, in your voice, make all the difference. 

Sharing your testimonial helps others to know if seeing Liz as a patient or taking one of her classes will help them too.

If you have a question, submit it below and she will get back to you.

Your testimonial my be used on this website, in emails, and in other communications from MyoSinew Therapy LLC to help others just like you get the education, treatment, and/or support that they need. Sharing a testimonial can be vulnerable and personal. Your information will NEVER be sold, and only used with the utmost respect and appreciation.