Granny Libby's Pate

Sep 15, 2024
chicken liver pate on sourdough toast with fresh rosemary


Try my Granny Libby's Award-Winning Chicken Liver Pâté Recipe


My granny was British and, true to form, she could not cook a vegetable to save her life. But she loved lobster, as long as it was drenched in butter, and she loved loved LOVED pâté. This is her recipe.

Liver is one of the most densely nutritious foods available and essential for anyone who is committed to building Xue.

Chicken livers are very mild in flavor, and when prepared as below, are delicious!



1 lb dark red organic chicken livers, cut into 1-inch squares

Salt and pepper

1 room temperature stick plus 1-2 TBSP butter for sautéing

1 yellow onion, halved and sliced thin

6-8 Crimini or other flavorful mushroom, quartered

2-5 cloves garlic, minced

1-2 tsp thyme, dried or 1 TBSP fresh

1-2 tsp sage, dried or 1 TBSP fresh

2-3 TBSP vermouth (optional)



1. Drain and pat liver dry

2. Remove fibrous tissue, cut into 1-inch squares

3. Generously salt and pepper, allow to sit while prepping and cooking onion, mushroom, and garlic

4. In heavy-bottomed cast-iron or similar pan, melt 1 TBSP butter on medium heat

5. Sauté onion in butter until slightly translucent

6. Add mushrooms, sauté until onions are translucent and mushrooms are soft

7. Add minced garlic, sage, and thyme. Sauté for 1-2 more minutes

8. Turn heat to medium-high and add optional vermouth, deglaze, then push to the edges of the pan

9. Add more butter if needed, add chicken livers, cook for 2 minutes

10. Flip livers, cook for 2 more minutes

You want the livers to be cooked on the outside, but slightly pink in the middle. The more pink the livers are, the better texture and flavor they will have. 

11. Once livers are cooked to your liking, remove from heat and add to blender or food processor with the softened stick of butter. 

12. Blend until smooth. Add salt, pepper, and/or additional herbs or walnuts to taste. 


To store: Pâté will last about a week in the fridge. I usually divide into three portions, and freeze two. It keeps well in the freezer for up to 2 months. You can add a layer of melted butter on top to keep it even fresher.

A therapeutic dose is 2-4 TBSP/day.

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